This photo slide show may take a few minutes to is about when President (?) Bush was flown into Kazoo by the business community for brunch .
Students and other concerned citizens went out to meet him. Kept apart from the President and the wealthy business community, standing out in the cold, Americans of all nationalities made their feelings known about the election and the policies of the Bush regime.How long did our ancestors fight for freedom?
Did they give their lives so that their children's children could be sacrificed to the glut of a few? Since when did a President in this country get
office by going to court to stop the votes from being counted? Since when did we willingly give up our freedoms, our rights to privacy and
to due process, our rights to our public lands, our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Check Out:
What happened to

12/04/02 comment to Bush:
Do not let the eagerness for oil and war cloud your vision. Iraq Is opening up to weapons inspectors. As a loyal American, I want peace and freedom. Stop war and thoughts of war. Do not make my beloved country into a first strike aggressor nation. You will have more than the American people to answer to if you start up a war. War is a bloody mess, it is anti-life, it is destruction...on the destroyed and the soul of the destroyers.
Stop now. War is hell

Articles to read and ponder and a petition:

Citizens Against the Reinstatement of the Draft (petition)

I Feel A Draft Again (scroll down)

Exposing your Superiors For the Bunch of Rapacious, Lying Weasels That They are (scroll farther down)
I Feel a Draft, Again            
by Paul Hein~ is semi-retired from the practice of medicine (ophthalmology) in St. Louis, author of  All Work and No Pay

I suppose that if you live long enough in Wonderland, you grow accustomed to the sight of
rabbits with timepieces, or grinning cats. Perhaps that explains the total lack of reaction to
the recent trial balloons about the reinstitution of the draft.
The basic premise explaining the operation of all governments is that they possess all
property and all persons within their jurisdiction--which they, incidentally, determine. For
example: all income is considered government property, and must be returned to them;
hence the terms "tax return," or "return of income." The individual may keep a certain
percentage, as determined by the property owner (i.e., the government).
You may live in your home, and drive your automobile, so long as you pay annual tribute to
their real owner. Should you fail to do so, ownership will revert to government. Moreover,
this is not regarded as extraordinary or remarkable, but routine and expected.
You, yourself, are government property. You must behave according to government rules, or
suffer the consequences. You earn your living as a privilege granted by government; thus, a
portion of that living is the government's as an excise. Thus, whether income is considered
property or a transaction, it reverts to its owner one way or another, or, more accurately, by
hook or crook. But the clearest and most undeniable proof of government ownership of
populations is the draft.
Suppose that your son were drafted to serve in Afghanistan. You objected. You could see no
U.S. interest in Afghan affairs, and no threat to this country from Afghanistan. So you
ordered your son to remain at home. Uncle Sam, on the other hand, has ordered him to
report to camp. Who will win that argument? Who is sovereign over your own flesh and
blood? The very basis of conscription is that the corporation called government has control
of your son, which control supersedes your own as his parent. Your son may seek to honor
your wishes by defying the draft and going to jail, but that is still a victory for government, in
that he will be doing what government demands, when it demands it, eating what it serves,
where and when it serves it, wearing what it provides, and staying where it dictates, while
risking a bullet if he leaves. Just like the armed services, but without the cachet of patriotism.
Moreover, the very existence of a draft, except in wartime, is never questioned. Can it be
"wartime" if Congress has not declared war? Oh, of course, that is a niggling question, but if
the men and women who comprise the government take an oath to uphold the Constitution,
is it nit-picking to ask that they do so? Why can they ignore their clear and obvious duty,
while expecting others to do the "duty" which they unlawfully impose upon them?
If our young people are going to be asked to fight, they ought to have a clear understanding
of who the enemy is, and direct their weapons accordingly.
January 28, 2002

Exposing Your Superiors For the Bunch of Rapacious, Lying Weasels That Theatre
A Practical Guide: Would you be ready to blow the whistle?
By Susan Orenstein, April 2002 Issue

Back in 1995, Mark Graf, a security specialist at the Rocky Flats nuclear
facility outside Denver, became alarmed about the temporary removal of 450
kilograms of plutonium oxide from a vault-like room to a "soft room" protected
by drywall that you could punch a hole through. "It was insane," says Graf,
who was ordered to help install a temporary alarm system in case anyone tried
to steal the radioactive material. "I'm talking 1,000 pounds of plutonium,"
he says. For comparison, it took 10 pounds of plutonium to make the bomb that
was dropped on Hiroshima.

So Graf spoke up to his superiors. And soon there were few moments when he
wasn't thinking about Rocky Flats. He wasn't sleeping. He became obsessed
with doomsday scenarios. He penned letter after letter. He sought out
lawyers. He started taping many of his conversations. He burned through
$15,000 of his own savings. His wife threatened to leave him. In short, he
had become a typical whistle-blower.

The Enron scandal, replete with one executive after another claiming to have
known nothing of the company's devious accounting, has sparked a celebration
of whistle-blowers -- particularly Sherron Watkins, the former Enron employee
whose nationally televised congressional testimony brilliantly eviscerated
that company's top executives. But being a whistle-blower has more to do with
stamina than stage presence. Long before folks like Graf and Watkins catch
the media's attention, they grapple with complex feelings about work and
loyalty and confront a slew of practical decisions about whom to trust, how
to protect themselves against retaliation, and when to go public. It can be a
grueling, emotionally difficult path, but if you feel compelled to flag an
injustice, Graf's story may hold invaluable lessons -- and even a smidgen of
First of all, forget the Norma Rae images of an outspoken crusader.
Whistle-blowers tend not to be rebels or reformers; strangely enough, they
can be corporate loyalists who genuinely look for the company to remedy ills.
Graf fits that profile. He grew up in a suburb of Denver and was "very close
to law enforcement," as he says. (His best friend's father was the local
sheriff.) "I was a Young Republican, for God's sake," Graf says.

No matter how deeply you may believe in God, country, and your company, do
your homework before you lurch forward with complaints. Find out how other
gadflies have been treated by your organization in the past. Seek advice from
a professional, such as an advocacy group or attorney. The toughest call can
be whether to take your gripes to the higher-ups or to go straight to a law
enforcement agency -- or even the press. Graf started on the inside, where he
quickly encountered resistance. But most experts say that this is the
preferred route; it gives you more credibility in the long run and allows the
organization a chance to respond.

If the insider path doesn't work, it's time for tougher tactics -- which is
where we enter real whistle-blower country. Graf was lucky enough to find an
ally in a higher-up who shared his concerns. Together they wrote a letter to
then-Congressman David Skaggs of Colorado; although it prompted an
investigation by the Department of Energy, the probe largely failed to
substantiate Graf's claims. His lawyers called the investigation a

Graf wanted to do more about the plutonium security problems but now faced
the inevitable risk of reprisal that comes with whistle-blowing. In 1996, his
company gave him a 12-hour shift and forced him to work 260 overtime hours
without pay, according to a lawsuit he later filed against Wackenhut
Services, the private security firm that employs him at Rocky Flats. He
eventually brought the security breaches to the attention of the Defense
Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and spoke to the press.

In January 1998, Wackenhut put Graf on administrative leave (he was still
being paid) and forced him to see three government shrinks because of a
"preoccupation with security safeguards," his court documents say. By this
time his family was falling apart too. "I wish I had woken up a little sooner
and taken care of my family," Graf says.

So where's the smidgen of hope? Graf's measure of vindication came when a
judge reinstated him and awarded him $5,000. And Rocky Flats -- where Graf is
still employed -- has taken steps to beef up security, such as installing
night-vision devices, which should help until the facility is shut down in
2006. Was it all worth it? Asked if he would do it all over again, Graf
responds, "In a heartbeat."

Insoluble toxic metals and fluorides, via a pneumonia like dust in lung process, concentrate
in lymph nodes and cause foreign body granuloma damage to node macrophages, leading
to false cytokine stimulation, then rising viral waste damage to mitochondria, and this
leading to illnesses. See the analysis at

In the 1980's, Oak Ridge managers established a national alliance of DOE friendly
supplanted activists and old DOE scientists to mislead gullible fluoride affected sick
workers and communities in order to fabricate a health mystery and avoid the extreme
liabilities of the fluorides health damage to uranium gas diffusion chemical plant workers
and communities. Don't let DOE and its minions stone wall known disease processes
known for millenia and involved in religion icon imagery.

Other websites of interest:



The photo below is from Newsweek October 26, 2002. Please get a copy of the magazine for a better image.
What was the Bush family up to election night at the Florida governor's mansion??

Act Now! Help keep young people free. Petition Against the Draft
BUSH FAMILY SCANDALS--Banned website!!!  Bush Music WebsiteBush's Baby picture

Have you  seen the documentary on World Link TV? Don't miss
Counting On Democracy about the corruption in Florida's 2000 election...guess
what? GORE REALLY WON!!!!!!!!The election was rigged!!!!! 2004 ditto..Diebold rigged!!


"[O]ur position is that no grievances or policies will justify resort to aggressive war.  It is utterly renounced and condemned as an instrument of policy." -- Supreme Court Justice Robert L. Jackson, U.S. Representative to the International Conference on Military Trials, August 12, 1945, speaking on the culpability of German leaders
WASHINGTON, DC -- As President Bush gave orders launching the invasion of Iraq, the Green Party of the United States reaffirmed its opposition to the war and demand for the withdrawal of troops, quoting Theodore Roosevelt: "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the
president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." (Remarks in 1918 on President Woodrow Wilson's suppression of dissent against U.S. involvement in World War I) Pledging to maintain protests and other nonviolent action, Greens called the invasion a war of conquest and warned that President Bush and White House officials may find themselves indicted for numerous violations of U.S. and international law.  Greens and other antiwar activists are organizing emergency responses to the invasion, including a recall campaign, initiated by, against pro-war Congress members who violated their oath to uphold the Constitution by surrendering their power to declare war. "The success of the U.N. inspections has only proven the need for continued diplomatic efforts undertaken in cooperation with the international community," said Annie Goeke, co-chair of the party's International Committee.  "Nowhere in Resolution 1441 is there language that requires overthrowing the government of Iraq in a bloody invasion.  There is no legal or moral basis for this war." Greens listed several examples of crimes that may make Bush and other White House officials vulnerable to domestic prosecution and to Nuremberg-style international trials:
CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATIONS: Military aggression and conquest violate the constitutionally mandated role of U.S. armed forces. (Article I, Section 8; Article IV, Section 4)
VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (U.N. Charter; Geneva Convention): Preemptive invasion without proof of an imminent attack is an illegal act of military aggression.  The Bush Administration has never proved that an attack by Sadaam on the U.S. or any other country is imminent.  The mission of the U.N. is to avert war, not to rubberstamp invasions.
LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE WORLD: President Bush, Secretary of State Powell, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, and other officials have lied about the weapons capability of Iraq, including nuclear, bio, and chemical arms (Iraq has no means to deliver them); about connections between Sadaam and al-Qaeda (which seeks to overthrow Sadaam); about Sadaam's involvement in terrorism against the U.S. (no evidence); about the U.S.'s intention to establish democracy in Iraq.  In his January 28 State of the Union address, Bush used a paranoid fantasy scenario to justify war: "Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other plans, this time armed by Sadaam Hussein....". "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.  That is easy.  All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.  It works the same in any country." -- Hermann Goering, Nazi leader,at the Nuremberg Trials, April 18, 1946
RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT: While Bush claims that the war on Iraq is necessary for homeland security, the invasion will result in terrorist retaliation against Americans at home and abroad.  While Bush expresses concern for Iraqi civilians, the U.S. plans for a "shock and awe" campaign, with a massive missile attack on Baghdad, and intends to use cluster bombs and land mines, which will kill and maim thousands of civilians.  The U.S. will also use depleted uranium, despite the severe health problems it caused American soldiers and Iraqi civilians in the last Persian Gulf War. The U.S.'s illegal coercive techniques in the treatment of al-Qaeda prisoners, with some prisoners sent to Egypt and other countries that use torture openly, places U.S. soldiers who are captured at grave risk of torture. SUBTERFUGE: U.S. intelligence sabotaged the U.N. inspections in Iraq by withholding crucial information from the inspectors about Sadaam Hussein's arsenal --evident in Powell's own presentation before the U.N.  Powell cited a graduate student's dossier on Iraq published ten years ago as 'damning evidence' collected by the British Secret Service.  The U.N. is investigating the bugging, allegedly by the U.S., of the offices and phone lines of U.N. delegations whose support the Bush Administration sought for the invasion. BRIBERY AND EXTORTION: The Bush Administration bribed Turkey and other countries to get their support in the U.N. for invading Iraq, and also threatened to withdraw foreign aid and impose other penalties.  (The $26 billion bribe failed to persuade the Turkish parliament.) AIDING AND ABETTING THE ENEMY: U.S. companies, in deals negotiated in part with Rumsfeld's help, sold Iraq chemical, bio (including Anthrax), and other weapons during the 1980s.  While Vice President Cheney served as CEO, Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root did $73 million worth of business with Iraq between 1998 and 2000 and sold Iraq pulse generators, designed for oil drilling but which can be used for nuclear detonations, despite the economic sanctions against Iraq. WAR PROFITEERING: According to the Wall Street Journal (January 16, 2003), officials from the White House, State Department, and Defense Department have met with execs from Halliburton, ExxonMobil, and other oil firms to determine who will control Iraqi oil after the war. Halliburton now has a multimillion-dollar contract to rebuild Iraq's oil field after the
war, and ExxonMobil has won a $47.8 million contract to supply gasoline, diesel fuel and motor oil to U.S. and NATO forces.

WHAT NEXT??? Congrads, are the worst Prez in our lifetime!!!!
Undoing the US constitution...award for best demobilizer of long fought for freedoms in the 21st century...perhaps in the history of the US!!
Onslaught on the natural environment...your lust for oil and wealth is unprecedented!!!! ANWAR is your middle name
Nominating the worst candidates for public take the proverbial cake!!!!! Wanted:investigation of your ties to Bin Laden, skull and bones, etc. etc.

protest nuclear madness
I hope I don't get detention for saying this....
Another editorial (November 2003) not likely to be published

"As a US citizen for over 50 years, I have witnessed many changes in this country, and also the fact that "history repeats itself." I find the present war in Iraq unsettling. Vietnam started out with similarities.. We went there, supposedly to help an oppressed people. We heard daily about dead and wounded soldiers. The people of Vietnam turned against us the longer we were there. Our POW Vets were tortured. There was big scale war profiteering. People who protested were called into question about their patriotism. More and more taxes went into a military budget. There was no clear agenda as to what would happen to Vietnam, how long the war would last, or our objectives. I see the same thing
happening now in Iraq. Do the Mothers and Fathers of the dead and wounded young people who have been sent to Iraq think we do not care about their sons and daughters?
Let us not callously let more young people be killed by keeping silent. I believe we should end a war in Iraq that should never have started. I believe we should have let the UN Arms inspectors do their work and Bush should have secured  the approval of Congress
and aligned with allies before going to war if war was necessary. I believe we should never
have initiated a first strike war nor become an aggressor nation. Iraq was not invading Kuwait or any other nation when Bush Jr. went in to settle his Daddy's score. What has happened, however, can not be undone, and this point, we need to learn from history, and realize what is going on now is a lot like Vietnam. Our young people are dying. The efforts to change a foreign culture are not succeeding. More violence and terrorism is happening, and it is spreading to victimize other nations. Bush has lit the fuse of a time
bomb. Also, when you realize, that my bringing up these perceptions could land me in detention, that all the President has to do is give the word, without evidence, and a US
Citizen can be placed in incommunicado detention under the terrorist act for being a "bad guy" disconcerting. So far, efforts to repeal the terrorist act have been unsuccessful.
Historically, legislation that is used to take away the rights of "aliens' is also ultimately  used against US citizens by the government initiating it. To date, there has been
no intensive investigation and exposé into the ties with the oil industry and the administration in the apportioning of Iraq's riches and US tax dollars. What we do know is that HalliBurton, which the VP Cheney was a CEO of, is bilking the taxpayers on the
purchase and resale of gas to the US military, the profit of over $1.50 per sale of each gallon of gas. That knowledge is just the tip of the iceberg as to why this "war" is going on. Our money and our children's money is being portioned out to the VIPs for years and
generations ahead, placing an intolerable burden on poor and working class people. Fact: We need to stop the violence. We need to bring our young people home. We need our rights back, all those ended under the terrorist act, and including fair elections. We
need accountability in government. A new Medicare bill will give huge benefits to HMOs and insurance agencies, while cutting benefits for many of those in need of medical care.
The Bush administration energy bill, which would also glut special interests, the friends of the present administration, has been filibustered in Congress. It could be passed doing
more environmental destruction, raising gas prices etc. Where are the scruples, the ethics, the honesty, the freedoms we are supposed to uphold? Why does Bush say he is right to
life? Is destroying the environment, blood for oil, taking from the poor and giving to the rich, selling out American workers etc. the right to life????
I think not. "

Kathy Barnes

Bonnie Urfer's Statement in court:

"Guilty, but of course I have a statement I'd like to read. That's my plea bargain.

I'm guilty of much more than you can ever imagine. I think we all are. I ride in cars and participate in polluting our environment; I don't do enough nuclear weapons disarmament. I know we now possess 2,527.5 megatons of nuclear explosive power; I barely speak up about U.S. hypocrisy  although I like to hope it's blatant enough. I've purchased shoes made in a sweatshop. I use electricity produced by nuclear reactors. My list goes on.

I live and participate in a culture that's killing its people. We're feeding irradiated food to children in school lunches. Nuclear power reactors are aging and growing more dangerous, this year there were three different fires at three different reactors within three weeks. There's no way to safely store the irradiated garbage and fuel rods for 10,000 years but we keep using it. Wisconsin wants more nuclear power reactors instead of solar panels. We're poisoning water everywhere with what we put into our bodies. down our drains and off our fields. Global warming means our air is just getting dirtier. Los Angeles has the worst air quality in the country and with overpopulation being a problem -- fifteen million people help to make it so bad then breathe it in. 79~o of carbon monoxide pollution is blamed on transportation. The U.S. is sending a new weapons system, piece by piece, into space. NASA and the Department of Defense routinely send radioactive materials into the sky -- sometimes that stuff comes back down. We produce barges and barges of garbage. The Great Wall of China is the largest man-made structure in the world. The Staten Island garbage landfill is the second. Humans generate more than 1 million tons of hazardous waste ever day. The federal government is developing new nuclear weapons, even building brand new facilities to make the weapons. We have been so contaminated by the nuclear industry -- It's a crime. Every day children of this country are assaulting and being assaulted in Iraq. Any number dead from any side is pointless, including the dead on the streets of this country. Soon we'll all be legally concealing our guns. And we have a war on drugs. I've spent time with women imprisoned for 6, 8, 12 and more years without treatment, without support, enslaved to a system that exists to benefit the military over education and services. I've seen prisoners moved like cattle. I hear the men in the Dane County jail are hungry. Civil liberties are fading. We're imprisoning people without charges, without trials, without release dates. It's frightening. Don't you wonder when, not if, we'll war with North Korea? Eighty-seven billion more dollars may go to the Pentagon. We have no national health insurance. Polk county, where 1 live, wants to cut funds for libraries, elder care and is pushing for 0 monetary aid for the battered women's shelter. We've condemned our children to paying the cost of cleaning up and trying to contain our radioactive mess. We've contaminated them as well. Uranium has been spread over the countryside of Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo insuring that our wars will keep on killing and killing and killing. Racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism abound. 137 species go extinct every day. Fifty species of mammal ceased to exist within the past 100 years -- One hundred times what's normal. We're accepting and eating food that's been tampered with by genetic engineers and profiteers. It's aiding in increasing the extinction rate. The meat we eat is raised in huge waste producing farms adding to the poisoning of our water. The meat is chopped up and distributed fast and filthy and that's why were feeding irradiated meat to schoolchildren. And the cycle goes on and on and on.

I'm here now. I'd like to be sentenced now. It will save on gas and pollution. I'm just trying to not be so guilty."

photo by Kathy Barnes, copyight 2000
I hope I don't get detention for saying this....
I hope I don't get detention for saying this....
For what it's worth (not much), this is a letter written and sent to GW on Inauguration Day(2000) One more futile attempt for good government......and reason...........

George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.,
Washington D.C. 20500

Dear Sir:
I watched the inauguration today with concern. I am deeply concerned that you have taken office in such a way. I sincerely feel that there are serious concerns and infractions of the law in the voting process that must be addressed. It is well known that minority citizens were kept from voting and that you sued to stop the count in Florida. I am concerned for our rights and democracy. If you are a true American I am sure you would want all people to be able to vote, and have their votes counted. I do not understand why you did what you did. I do not understand it at all. You say you are "right to life" yet you have a cabinet of people that are anti-life in that they are people who have serious flaws. To not respect the sanctity of the American wilderness is anti-life. Once nature is destroyed, all the life forms that it nurtured, in all the glory of the essence of life that the Creator bestowed in them, vanish forever as their habitat is destroyed. Can we sacrifice one more species, one more entity, to
the continual march of extinction? We humans are also on that march, and if we do not stop the desecration and destruction of the earth----by chemical poisoning (pesticides et al.)---war (nuclear etc.)---oil drilling in fragile wilderness areas (Alaska as you have proposed)---the mad science of genetically altered foods (causing environmental problems beyond
imagining--already causing the near and possible future extinction of species such as the Monarch butterfly, not to mention cancer and immune system dysfunction in humans---)---
I can write so much more about the right to Life-----and I think that you must have the intelligence to know what I am telling you. I also believe that you must have the strength of character to not sell out to the corporations that have put you in power and funded the inaugural ball. I wish that you would have taken that money and instead of having a big fat party,
that you would have given all the money to the homeless, the Red Cross, or so many other poor and desperately needy and worthy people and causes that need help in this country. Then you would have begun to do some good, and you would not "owe" any corporation or foreign interest, who also gave money for the gala festivities for the wealthy and politically favorable in this mockery of democracy we are enduring in the present time.
Anger misdirected does no good. Instead of focusing anger on those who by their conscience protest, focus it on those that have designed to purchase your soul and who will come to you to swing deals. To those who have multitudes of financial resources who want a tax break, which will burden the working class poor who always shoulder the burden. Consider when another corporation asks you for a perk, a gratuity of some manner, a convenience, a deal, and if you give into that and support corporate welfare, will your heart turn to stone at the welfare Moms, and disabled people not able to rise above their circumstances? Will you deny a pittance to them so that the corporations can continue to grow with tax subsidies and tax breaks and the other ways a sold old politician feeds the rich?
Education is a priority and I hope that you will not deny the poor by withdrawing support for public education. I think that if someone chooses to privately or homeschool their children, that is fine, but not at public expense. My reasons for this are because of the discriminatory practices of some non-public schools. The tax credit for college is a good thing, and for
the first time in history, wealthy people have an incentive to help their children. No longer will a bright child be denied higher education because his/her parents will not help, and is ineligible for financial aid because they are too wealthy. Now those parents have an incentive to help: the taxdeductible education fund and tax credit. I believe that you must change your policy on capitol punishment. I think that it is bothering your conscience, by the way that you appear when you speak of it. Being white, wealthy, and privileged, you have no idea how the unjust justice system works in this country. A poor, minority person with
a court appointed attorney has no chance of a fair trial in this country. In so many instances, the people on death row are such people. Although some may be in reality guilty of the crimes they were convicted of, in many instances, they are innocent. With DNA testing, some have been lately proven innocent, who were awaiting a death sentence. The fact that the death penalty has been used politically and racially and against the poor, are reasons it should be abolished, as well as the fact that by its inhumanness, cruelty, and finality, it should be abolished. It has not been proven to deter crime. Think of all the innocent people put to death while the real criminals go free.
If you insist on supporting the death penalty, then apply it to white collar criminals----the corporate executives that produce dioxin in the businesses that kill unborn babies in their mother's wombs, that nuclear executive that pollutes waters and lands that creates cancers and deaths in people as well as destroys future generations by permanently altering DNA
forever----that CEO that swings arms deals that arm the world with life destroying weapons---that military magnate that asks for more and more weaponry that end up as our own destruction----the list of corporate crime is endless.
You have no idea what it is to be a victim of a corporation. If you had lost a child to Monsanto, got cancer from Dow, lost your land to  waste dumping, lived as an indigenous person and seen the land that gave you life and nourishment, systematically destroyed, then, maybe then, you would really understand what I am telling you and how much is at stake.
Most of all, you will have to try to tolerate and listen to people like me and realize we are honest, sincere, American people, not enemies. What I have written to you is true. I hope you take this to heart. I would appreciate
a personal response from you, but I do not expect one.

A Concerned  US Citizen


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Take Action(click on the Question Authority link)
This photo circulated the Internet of Bush and Bush Senior on a visit to New Orleans. It may be a spoof, photo edited.
Well, you have to admit, some people know how to make the most of a bad situation...especially if you can see things from the deck of a yacht with a fishing pole in hand and not wading through the flooded waters like the people in the background.
The trouble with our "leaders" besides political corruption, is the lack of understanding of the real problems that live every day and every hour with the poor and homeless of the world. If only the wealthy would live for a year in a homeless state, or work in an honest way with their hands in the earth, working in a field or garden, live without paper and healthcare, do no business deals, and live among the real people of this word.....I am convinced the world would be a better place.....if the rich and powerful learned what the other side lives with and goes through.
After the hurricanes...when the police in some areas stopped the poor from entering upland/wealthy areas, literally stopping refuge seekers....of what benefit are such police to humanity in a free world? They only benefit those locked into the mental state that was supposed to end with the Civil War and an end to slavery. If there is not an end to bigotry and oppression, where is the hope for future generations? End the cycle of apathy, and get love is all that matters! You are important!

Kudos to those in peril! Kudos to the common man, the working class poor, the dispossessed, homeless, ill, injured, and disheartened. This life is a brief time compared to eternity. Jesus was tortured and he was innocent. ....................a note from the webmaster.
Year: 2000  Election night at Jeb's....